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Показано 31-33 из 33 сообщений
3. Саша Липсиц   (02.02.2006 00:54)
Так когда турнир-то начинается?
Ответ: A. Lipsits:
When will the tournament start?
I suppose it will start at 23th of February.

2. Анатолий Устимов   (19.01.2006 01:00)
Дима, привет! А почему до сих пор не было сообщений о приёме заявок? Ведь их можно было бы разослать всем подписчикам сервера Ричарда, как это делал Потапов.
Ответ: Anatoly Ustimov aka mowgli: ''Why there were no messages about signing up till now? It is possible to send it to all subscribers of Richard''s server as it was usually performed by Potapov''
Answer: You see, there were at least two PBeM broadcasts, by Lipsits and by me, but both of them failed to announce to everyone. I''m going to send the broadcast once more after contacting with Richard.
Sorry for such a late registration beginning, the reason of this delay is that Alexei Potapov couldn''t carry out this tournament any more and there was a problem to find a person who can =)

1. Owen   (11.01.2006 18:05)

1-15 16-30 31-33

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